Love, just like everything about life, goes through stages. If it doesn't, then it's not love at all.
I have been blessed to be able to experience what love really is.
Past the getting to know each other stage, compromising values, understanding one another, building dreams together, breaking promises, I am now in the letting go stage.
As I've said in my previous entry, to completely love a person is to learn the art of letting go.
Letting go. Now the old saying about it proves to be true. If you love someone, set him free. Let him be happy. If you really love him, you will be happy that he is happy even if it means spending his life with someone else. Love is never selfish.
It will hurt deeply. The wound seems so hard to be healed. But if your love is true, then that love can help you forgive. It will heal you, let you move on, love yourself, be complete (with God's help of course), and it can even give birth to another love meant for another person that is your destiny or it can help you find your real destiny.
And then you'll realize that that love found its way at a corner of your heart, safely placed and hidden. It will never leave just hide itself. Sometimes you will find it helping you, using itself for other purposes like giving good,ssweet memories, teaching new love to be like it, or even better, and other things that only great love can do.
Anger, bitterness, and pain wilts away, but true great love remains. Now isn't that wonderful?
অনার্স ১ম বর্ষের রেজাল্ট ২০২৫ (মার্কশীট/সিজিপিএসহ)
10 hours ago
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