Looking at the Sky

I thought I'd be welcoming the new year inside the cr. While others were welcoming it with a bang...I'd be welcoming it with a s**t! And I mean it literally. Isn't that funny? I had an upset stomach but I became fine just in time. And I am taking it as a symbol--leaving my burdens behind and facing 2006 lightly. And lightly I faced it.

I used to have these written wishes and as the old and new year separates, I would burn the paper, letting the smoke went up to heavens hoping that God would receive it and He would grant my wishes.

This time I didn't do it. Instead, I welcomed 2006 with a prayer--a silent one. God knows what's on my mind, heart, and soul. I trust Him enough to whatever He's gonna do about them. I prayed saying my intent of serving Him to the best of my abilities and by whatever means. And then I looked at the sky and watched the fireworks.

I was touched by the picture of my relatives as they were welcoming 2006. Ate Carmi and her family were sitting on our front yard while I was standing in front of them. My Mom was at the terrace sitting with my sister standing on the table. My brother and his friends (with Gado), were on the other side of the terrace singing, dancing, making noise while drinking beer.

Ate Carmi and I went to Ate Goyee's to sing with their videoke. But truthfully, I got pissed off because of their lack of enthusiasm.

Come on, it's a new year. That means hope. And it's also a reason to have fun. I understand if they're going through some shit, but wasn't the BIGGEST shit (so far--in my life) was shove to me? We were all dealing with our problems but when you have a reason to have fun, have fun. My spirit went low and I decided to go home.

Good thing HBO gave me a treat--Harry Potter 3. Harry ended my night nicely.

Other events and thoughts:

  • Mom decided to cook pansit for the media noche at Nanay's.
  • Monet and I bought gifts for the monito-monita at Rob Lipa.
  • I edited Monet's profile. it looks better now.
  • We ate at Jbee Lipa.
  • We had a party. The children danced but Mom wanted the teenagers to dance but most weren't game so Mom got pissed off so I decided to start the exchanging of gifts. i received a big bag given by Ryan. I gave Aljin cologne. Aljin wanted to have a cologne and I wanted a bag so it's a good coincidence.
  • Ryan and PJ organized the "bunutan". Future leaders!
  • We ended the party by dancing Pinoy Ako. We did it for Nanay. All of us, including Jeng and Ate Carmi and the rest of the people there.

My birthday is a few days away. I am not expecting any miracle I just want to get it over with so I could be officially 24. God knows what I want and what I've been working on right now. I just hope that people will greet me sincerely. Sincerity is what I want for my birthday.

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yayam said...

happy new year jassy! ;)and advance happy birthday!!

Anonymous said...

Different people have different thoughts for the new year. Happy New Year from somewhere on Earth.

Anonymous said...

jas..what a way to celebrate new year huh?! in the loo?! ehhehe good thing you've done your business before the clock strikes 2359 hrs...just in time for 2OO6.. lol

happy new year..

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