
No I don't watch Wowowee because I prefer to watch Eat Bulaga. Eat Bulaga , for me, gives real entertainment. Entertainment means laughter! But today, I asked my Mom to watch it because my relatives from the states are there. I'm sure she'll see them on tv.

I'm still in the middle of my dark days. The background color of this suits me again. I remember last year my background is black when I was going through the dark days of my life. Dark days for me means problems at work. The worst thing about my profession can cause my dreams go crashing down. But I still have my family. And I trust God with my life. Everyday, I surrender my life to Him. And now, I feel thankful for what I have right now...problems, blessings because it is a fact that we don't own anything in this world. There is no permanent thing on earth. Life is temporary. And that everything we thought we have can be gone in a second. That's scary. But then God also has the capabilities to make things possible. For Him nothing is impossible. I am not perfect but everyday I try to follow Him. Everyday, I am trying to clear my conscience. Workwise, my conscience is clear.

I am also finding it really hard to be an adult. Yesterday, I went to Bulacan to go to this place because I have to do something. I was awake at 5 in the morning and I just came from a PM shift. Dragging Raymond along, I look for this certain person but we could not find him. Then we went to Novaliches but he was still not there. We went home (in the province) tired and muddy because it was raining yesterday. It was tiring but I was laughing because of our misadventure. Raymond was pissed off because he was the one carrying his and my luggage but he couldn't help but laugh a little. Then today, I thought I could rest a little but my Mom asked me to do some errands at the city hall. I was bombarded with instructions from the city hall people. I went to several offices. In the end I have to go home and report to my Mom. I have to do the laundry later.

Raymond is the only person that can give me a tremendous amount of courage and inspiration. But I know that if it becomes worst, he will also leave me.

I can't find comfort at work, at home, or in love...sleep in the only way I have my peace. I am scared but I know that God will never leave me.

And if you're thinking that I'm so down right now, don't worry. I am not. I am scared but I can take it. Whatever or whichever, or whoever that doesn't kill me will only make me stronger. But if you can pray for me, then I'll be really, really grateful. :)

I will leave you with this. I got this from Lica's and it makes me smile.

No man will ever claim you unless he claims you from Me. For I reserved a man
for you, who has My heart and loves Me even more than he will love you. For I
wontgive you unless he asks you from Me. He's asleep. Don't wake him, he's busy
for Me, for My Kingdom. Soon you will know him, but in My perfect timing. You're
My princess, My daughter. Let NO prince claim you unless he asks you from My
hand, for I am your Father, the King of kings. You, My princess are worth
waiting for. I love you!


debbie said...

that's a nice little poem, i very good reminder of what God is planning for our lives.

take care jassy! God bless

debbie said...

that's a nice little poem, i very good reminder of what God is planning for our lives.

take care jassy! God bless

KAI said...

The poem almost drove me to tears. It's something to live by. Thanks for sharing it. (-:

yayam said...

wow. i love it..:)

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