Last, last night was not my story. It was not the story of Full House or Save the Last for Me either. It was the story of a mother and wife who has served her family for 40 years. It was the story of how she stayed to be a martyr while her husband was constantly beating her up whenever he wanted to and whenever he did something stupid like hooking up with prostitutes and aborting some babies because he got some girls pregnant (not by will but by force). She was the model we (the younger generation) would not want to be. She was our example of what not to become as a wife. Nobody wants to be beaten or betrayed. This woman had gone through a lot. With her health problems, financial and family problems, yes she is strong. I admired her strength. She's strong because she is able to survive. But this woman was not happy.
And last, last night, she finally said enough. She fought back and left her husband. I hope this time she is really free. I hope this time she will feel happy. I hope she will start to love herself. I hope she does win herself back. It's not yet too late.
My prayer for every woman:
to be able to give life to someone
to be respected at all times
to be taken care of
to never to be beaten and maltreated and harrassed
to never ever be a victim
to be appreciated
to be loved
to be happy
3.14 Friday Faves
1 day ago
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