I think we can live without a maid. We're old enough.
Do Good. Look Good. Feel Good. One of Fernando Air Base mottos. As you enter the main gate, these are the words that you can read. If there is one thing I am grateful my Dad did for us, it was being a soldier and allowing us to live inside an air base. That is where I spent most of my childhood and my adolescence years. I learned a lot from here. As in a lot. Everyone who lives inside Fernando Air Base are definitely made winners.
I think that I should start and continue these mottos. Do good. For a while I stopped doing good. I let myself be persuaded by other principles--principles that are not me. Good thing, I have a family who tells me what is right without really judging me. Friends who have been there and who survived. And God, who never forsaken me. And so yesterday, day one of my battle, I won.
Look good. I should start doing this. Because I owe myself to look good. Because I look good. I should make myself healthy. Take care of my body.
Feel good comes when you know you are doing God's purpose and you have peace in your life and you also look good. This should come along.
I guess, after doing these, then I am ready to really know what is love and how to love without hurting anyone. But if I can keep this love I have right now, then I would gladly take care of it. But I have long learned that I don't own anyone. Everyone is free. But freedom comes with the responsibility.
Last Saturday night, I went swimming with my relatives. We really had fun that night. Forgiveness finally came. It set most of my relatives free. Things are slowly falling into place. And we are next in line. Their stories are about to end. It's gonna be our turn now. To my cousins, I hope you know what I am talking about.
Oh well, gotta go, got to guard our house.
Pastina Soup (aka Italian Penicillin)
9 hours ago
i've only been to Air Base once, in high school, for the fiesta.
i'm glad things are getting better for you and your family. that's the most important. =)
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